Price from:
150.00 SAR

The Pearl Beach at InterContinental Al Jubail Resort

Escape to a luxurious summer paradise filled with exclusive indulgence
Price from:
150.00 SAR
During the summer season, InterContinental Al Jubail Resorts presents a unique opportunity for Families  to enjoy exclusive days at the renowned private beach, The Pearl Beach, situated in the eastern province. Our resort offers top-notch 5-star services that cater to every aspect of our guests' experience. From the moment of arrival, we ensure a warm welcome, followed by a specially curated menu and an impressive array of beverages. Additionally, expert female staff members are dedicated to providing safety services, ensuring utmost comfort for our valued guests ( Saturday is Ladies Day)


The Pearl Beach
Pearl Beach Compound ‎7445 King Faisal Sharqi‎ 5495, Jubail City Center Al Jubail 35514, Saudi Arabia
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The Pearl Beach
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